Generation Africa at COP28

Generation Africa is committed to empowering young leaders who are passionate about creating positive change in the agricultural sector and addressing the challenges posed by climate change. COP28, the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, provides a global platform for discussing and advancing climate-related policies and actions. As part of the initiatives under the Inspiration and Advocacy pillar, showcasing youth innovation during COP28 is a great opportunity to address critical issues related to climate change, sustainable agriculture, and food security. Further, it provides the youth the opportunity to engage with global leaders, policymakers, and fellow participants to discuss and contribute to crucial dialogues surrounding sustainable development, climate change, and agricultural innovation.

Youth Perspectives and Engagement

Young people often bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and a strong sense of urgency to address climate change. Including youth in such conferences ensures a diversity of viewpoints and promotes intergenerational dialogue.

Capacity Building

Sending youth to COP28 can be an opportunity for capacity building. Participation in such events exposes them to global issues, policies, and negotiations related to climate change, enhancing their knowledge and skills.

Advocacy and Awareness

Youth representatives can play a crucial role in advocating for policies that address the specific challenges faced by their communities. Their presence can also raise awareness about the impacts of climate change on agriculture in Africa and the need for sustainable solutions.

Inspiration and Motivation

Involving youth in international conferences can inspire them to take active roles in climate action within their communities. It can motivate them to initiate projects or contribute to existing initiatives that promote sustainable agriculture and climate resilience

Networking and Collaboration

Participation in COP28 provides an opportunity for youth to network with other like-minded individuals, organizations, and policymakers. This networking can lead to collaborations and partnerships that enhance the effectiveness of climate action initiatives

Representation and Inclusivity

Youth make up a significant portion of the global population, and their concerns and perspectives deserve representation in discussions and decision-making processes. Sending youth to COP28 reflects a commitment to inclusivity and ensuring that diverse voices are heard

Global Impact

Climate change is a global challenge that requires a collective effort. By involving youth from different regions in Africa, in international conferences, AGRA through Generation Africa, can contribute to a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to addressing climate-related issues

Side Events

Multilevel Action, Urbanization and Built Environment/ Transport

Wednesday 6th December

Event: Connection to Territories: Youth and Land Rights

Venue: Food Systems Pavilion Session

Time: 18:30 – 19:45

Organizers: World Food Forum. YPARD, COP28 Youth co-hosts

Speakers from AGRA: H.E. Hailemariam Dessalegn – AGRA Board Chair and Former Prime Minister of Ethiopia

Theme of the day: Youth, Children, Education and Skills

Friday 8th December

Event: Intergenerational dialogue on youth involvement in Agriculture

Venue: Zimbabwe Pavilion

Time: 16:00 – 17:30 hrs.

Organizers: AGRA, African Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC)

Speakers from AGRA: Amanda Namayi, Thule Lenneiye (TBC)

Event: Intergenerational dialogue on engagement of youths in African food systems

Friday 8th December

Time: 16:00 - 17-30 Hrs

Venue: Zimbabwean PavilIon 6B Block 68

Theme of the day: Nature, Land use and Oceans

Saturday 9th December

Event: Unlocking Investments for Youth-Driven Innovation Towards Climate-Smart Sustainable Food Systems

Venue: Impact Hub (DP World Pavilion). Level 5, Terrace, Green Zone, Expo, Dubai

Time: 18:00 – 20:00 hrs.

Organizers: AGRA, World Farmers Organisation, PepsiCo

Speakers from AGRA: Ada Osakwe (AGRA Board Member and Generation Africa Ambassador), Habert Mawejje (WFO Youth),  Anaporka Adazabra (Generation Africa)

Theme of the day: Food, Agriculture and Water

Sunday 10th December

Event: Strengthening resilience Kenya's Path to Youth -Led, Sustainable Food Systems towards a low carbon development pathway in Africa

Venue: Kenya Pavilion

Time: 16:45 – 18:15 hrs

Organizers: AGRA, FOLU

Speakers from AGRA: Dr. Tilahun Amede, Assan Ng’ombe)

Co-moderators: Assan Ng’ombe, Amanda Namayi

Fill in the form to register for the side event
Event: Intergenerational dialogue on youth involvement in Agriculture
Fill in the form to register for the side event
Event: Strengthening resilience Kenya's Path to Youth-Led, Sustainable Food Systems towards a low carbon development pathway in Africa