What we do
Empower Youth Entrepreneurs to Innovate.
What we do
Accelerate Agri-Food Ventures.
What we do
Fuel Agri-Food Innovators.
Who we are
Generation Africa is the partnership initiative with a vision to strengthen the ecosystem for youth entrepreneurs in the agri-food sector across Africa.
Our Mission
To bring the dynamism of youth entrepreneurship to Africa’s agri-food sector.
Our Vision
To strengthen the ecosystem that supports agripreneurs as they travel the perilous journey from ideation to scale.
Our Objectives
We collaborate to inspire more young Africans to become agri-food entrepreneurs:
- To enable viable small, medium & micro enterprises to sustain strong growth.
- To increase capital investment into young ventures in the sector.
- To increase adoption of exciting innovations and breakthrough technology.
A Word from Our Generation Africa Ambassadors
As we all know, agriculture is the backbone of many developing economies, and we must invest in the youth to ensure the expansion and sustainability of this critical sector. The future of agriculture lies in the hands of the youth, and we must equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in this sector.
Dr. Agnes KalibataPresident of AGRA and Generation Africa Ambassador
One of the most inspiring things I do is to meet young farmers in Africa. In my view, the importance of agriculture in Africa has increased significantly in the past year. It is also clear that the agricultural sector will be the main engine for growth. And it is equally clear that the youth – young agripreneurs – hold the key to unlock the potential of this great continent.
Svein Tore HolsetherCEO, Yara International and co-Founder and Ambassador, Generation Africa
With over 50% of Africa’s population under 20 years old, the continent can benefit from unprecedented socio-economic potential that could unlock a truly sustainable food system – for the planet and the people. Creating a fair, sustainable, and future-proof food and agricultural ecosystem requires that young agripreneurs have access to the knowledge, networks, tools and innovations that will unleash their transformative powers and that will provide their communities with decent livelihoods and nutritious food.
Jens HartmannHead of EMEA at Bayer Crop Science and Generation Africa Ambassador
Join our programs and initiatives to access mentorship, training, and funding opportunities that can take your agri-food venture to the next level.
Our Programs & Initiatives
This Generation Africa Fellowship Program (GAFP) experience was a unique blend of self and business discovery that will go a long way to build up my motivation,
confidence and knowledge in being myself, managing my team and running an impactful and sustainable agribusiness.

If you want to become better Enterpreneur with good social and emotional intelligence this fellowship is for you.

As food systems entrepreneurs, we have been tasked with a huge responsibility to future-proof our food systems and ensure that sustainability is a given. This task is only achievable and scalable with the right support, networks, and resources. The Generation Africa Fellowship program has all three and even more.

This Fellowship Program is eye opening towards self realization as a business leader which in turn improves better
communication and overall productivity.

The fellowship program is a real opportunity for entrepreneurs to gain practical knowledge and tailored support towards their business development and interact with peers in an engaging and constructive environment

Joining this program was a transformative experience; it not only equipped us with the knowledge and skills needed for market success but also provided invaluable peer support and real-world
insights that have accelerated our journey toward building a thriving agri-business
